How to Make Chocolaty Banana Shake

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Recipe By Naiya Sheth : Learn how to make Chocolaty Banana Shake. As we all know banana is a very good source of calcium. So it is necessary to take a banana in our daily routine, but some how my son don't like the taste of ripe banana. So I tried to give him banana shake with yummy chocolate flavor. And likes it very much. So here it's a home made recipe for yummy chocolaty banana shake.

Preparation time - 5 to 7 minutes
Cooking time - nil
Makes - 4 glasses

Ingredients to make Chocolaty Banana Shake:

2 ripe yellow banana
4 cups chilled milk
2 table spoon sugar
1 table spoon cocoa powder
2 tea spoon drinking chocolate powder
4 to 5 cube crushed ice (opt.)

For garnishing:

Chocolate sauce
Vanilla ice cream
Chopped almond

Method to make Chocolaty Banana Shake:

  • First of all peal and chop banana in small pieces. 
  • In a mixture jar mix all ingredients of shake and churn properly. 
  • Stain if needed. 
  • Fill serving glasses with chilled milk shake and garnish with chocolate sauce,ice cream and chopped almonds. 
  • Chilled and yummy Chocolaty Banana Shake is ready to serve.
  • I used skimmed milk to make it little low cal.
  • Instead of chocolate flavor coffee flavor also can be added.
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