How to make Black Coffee at home - Black Coffee Recipe

 How to make Black Coffee at home: Black coffee recipe

Black coffee is simple coffee that is brewed normally. It is brewed without any addition of additives like cream, milk, sugar, flavors etc. 

Without addition of all these ingredients it will give slightly bitter taste. A strong cup of black coffee is loved by many people. 

Healthiest way to drink coffee is plain without adding any additives. Because when you add sugar you are adding calories & fat to your drink. As of Dr. Hashmi, ‘Ideally you should not add sugar in your coffee.’ Health benefits of coffee without additives that are good for you. 


black coffee recipe

Following are the health benefits of black coffee…

It may reduce weight & helps to improve physical performance. Black coffee may decrease the risk of diabetes in compare to creamy sweet coffee. 

It may be beneficial for liver health & reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. It also helps in keeping urinary system clear. Even it may help to prevent the risk of cancer. 

When you drink coffee without dilution, you get the antioxidants and caffeine it contains at full strength. 

They are responsible for most of coffee’s health benefits. It will become unhealthy by adding cream/milk or sugar to it. 

As of research shows that you could get health benefits from drinking moderate amounts of coffee in general. 

It is said that a mixture of both black coffee and lemon juice in the morning may work together to burn your belly fat and help you lose weight effectively. 

For that you need to take some coffee and add hot water to it. Add a spoonful of lemon juice and drink the warm mixture. 

The consumption of coffee on an empty stomach will increase the level of acid in the stomach, which can lead to bloating and vomiting. So it is advisable that you should drink coffee an hour after waking up. It means that you need to eat something before, even if it was only a slice of bread.

Drinking 1 -2 cups of black coffee daily reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases including stroke. It also reduces the inflammation level in the body. 

It is the powerhouse of antioxidants as it contains Vitamin B2, B3, B5, Manganese, potassium and magnesium. 

However, most healthy people should limit their total caffeine intake to about 400 mg per day. That is equate to about 4 cups (960 mL) of coffee. 

As of studies you should never drink coffee in the evening. You should never drink coffee in the evening. Caffeine of the coffee can disrupt your sleep up to six hours after consuming it. 

Black coffee can be brewed with many different ways to each of your liking. Black Coffee made from fresh coffee beans and made using instant coffee powder taste very different. But still it is refreshing. Enjoy cooking! 

  • Preparation time – 2 minutes
  • Cooking time – 5 minutes
  • Makes 4 cups

Ingredients to make Black Coffee: 

  • 4 cup water 
  • 2 teaspoon instant coffee powder
  • 4 teaspoon brown sugar (opt.) 

Method to make Black Coffee: 

  • In a sauce pan add water and let it boil. 
  • In a serving cup add ¼ part of sugar & coffee powder. Mix well. 
  • Now add 2 tablespoons of hot water to it. Mix well and pour remaining hot water to it. Mix well. Repeat the same for remaining. 
  • Serve hot black coffee. 

Ingredients to make black coffee in coffee maker: 

  • 4 cups water
  • 4 scoops coffee grounds

Method to make black coffee in coffee maker: 

  • Fill the coffee maker filter with coffee grounds. 
  • Fill the water spout with water. 
  • Switch on the button and you will have freshly brewed coffee. 

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