How to Make Rasgulla

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By Naiya Sheth: Learn how to make Rasgulla. As we all know rasgulla is a very famous Bengali sweet. Normally Indian recipes - sweets are very popular but among them, bengoli sweets are very yummy. It is made from paneer - cottage cheese so, rich in calcium also. 

Preparation time - 10 minutes
Cooking time - 10 minutes
Makes - 12 to 15 rasgulla

Ingredients to make Rasgulla:

Fresh homemade paneer from 1-liter milk 
1 tea spoon refined flour
2 cups sugar
4 cups water
A pinch cardamom powder

Method to make Rasgulla:
  • Make fresh paneer at home and remove excess water from it.
  • Add refined flour to it and knead it very well till soft textured dough. The more you knead the softer your rasgulla will be.
  • At the same time prepare sugar syrup. To make it mix cardamom powder, sugar and water together in a cooker and cook until boiling temperature. 
  • Make equal size small balls from paneer dough. Try to make small balls.
  • Drop the balls into the hot sugar syrup. Cook them for 7 to 8 minutes covered.
  • After that add 2 to 3 table spoons water and again cook for 7 to 8 minutes at medium flame or till rasgullas are cooked properly.
  • Press down the rasgulla and if comes back to the original shape it is cooked.
  • Let them cool at room temperature in cooker. When cool refrigerate.
  • Garnish cool and sweet rasgulla with saffron. 
Tips for soft and rich rasgulla:
  • Cow milk will give the better result.
  • Garnishing can be done with sliced almonds, saffron and sliced pistachio.
  • In stead of dry fruits rose essence also can give the different effect.
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